Roof Headlining Clip

About this product

The Roof Headlining Clip (#633990R010), a crucial component in Toyota's Body/Floor Mat & Silencer Pad system, serves a primary role in holding the roof headlining fabric in place. This clip functions by securing the fabric tightly to the vehicle's ceiling, preventing it from sagging or moving during operation. Over time, the clip can wear, break, or lose its grip, causing the headlining fabric to become loose or fall, posing potential distractions or visibility issues for the driver. Therefore, periodic replacement is essential for maintaining an orderly and safe cabin environment. Genuine Toyota Roof Headlining Clip (#633990R010)s are recommended for optimal compatibility with your vehicle. Plus, they come with Toyota's genuine parts warranty. The proper function of the Roof Headlining Clip (#633990R010) significantly contributes to the overall safety and aesthetic appeal of your Toyota vehicle.